Saturday, July 23, 2011

Torso Anatomy Done...Now on to everything else

Holy crap. I only have one week left of classes...which means one week left of Digipen and a little more of the West Coast period...I can't wait to get back home, but I'm also going to miss the area a lot. There are a ton of things I didn't get to do or explore due to severely limited income.

But who's to say I won't return?

Anyway, I'm through with drawing the anatomy of the torso for a while, cause goddamn is it tiring working on it for a 12-hour stretches at a time...Again, I have PROFOUND respect for the other BFA students at Digipen. How the hell do you kids take six classes a semester?

What's kind of fun is drawing the figure from the inside out, fitting the skin to the underlying anatomy. That way, you don't really don't what he or she will look like until the end :)
I think...I think I'm actually learning! This particular figure is once again from my head as opposed to from life or textbook.

I still prefer working from life, though.

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