Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lots of Things

Jesus, I really need to get on the ball with taking pictures of work...One thing that was nice about Digipen's emphasis on digital or scanned stuff was that everything would be ready to upload by the time I handed the assignment in...Such difficult times we live in.

I've started one of the final paintings for my "urban" landscape project. This is a street downtown in Lancaster, but I'll let you guess it yourself...So far I've spent a lot of time focusing on the texture of the face of the building. Because it has a very thick and weathered texture, I've tried layering messy washes of thinned paint, with thick highlights on top. Now, something I've noticed (which is something I've encountered in the past) is that I find the areas I DIDN'T focus on to be more interesting than the very involved walls. The very washy drippy sidewalk was kind of an afterthought...and I kind of like the way it turned out. You can't see it from the picture, but sidewalk in person is very glossy and translucent. Still not sure if I want to cover it up...

Here's the inspiration for the next painting (both are due Monday O_o):

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